Online CAT Preparation Tips For Working Professionals

Online CAT Preparation Tips For Working Professionals 1

The people who are in a full-time job for quite a bit of time, also get to decide better for which specialization they should go for beforehand and unlike the freshers, they have a better knowledge about the departments and functioning of the organizations.

So, it can be said that the working graduates have an advantage over other freshers because they know and have worked with the dynamics of the business before. It should be noted that the quality of work experience is taken into consideration.

With all these advantages, the working professionals who are aspiring for management examinations, have over freshers, are lucrative. But how should they start preparing for CAT exam and other management examination by taking time from their demanding schedule and workload? Pursuing an MBA at this stage of career tremendously helps individuals combine the insights of whatever they learned from their job with the functional aspects of the business which will help always help them to become a better decision maker and grow professionally.

For the working aspirants, it always becomes a tough routine and sometimes really impossible to attend any coaching institutes for the preparation, but scoring well while working is not a miracle. They can always go for a plan. Here some points are highlighted on how to  start CAT preparation.

  • Set your target

Check out the detailed percentile cut-offs from previous year batches of those institutes you are targetting. No matter how demanding the routines get, make it a point to analyze and make this plan for your career development.

  • Try to cut time from Lunch break or travel time in your office

For your own career development, it’s not going to hurt you if you are cutting half hour during your office lunch-time, commuting time to your office, waking up early in the morning. This will give you short times from twenty minutes to three hours for revision or short tests. Try to make use of those saved time. Better yet, if there is an off or taking a planned leave be it sick leave, company off, casual holiday or whatever, you get the whole day at your disposal to prepare for CAT.

  • Devote a certain amount of time of the day to CAT and stick to it

Set clear goals: “By next Sunday I am going to complete this two hundred geometry practice series, complete the Arithmetic progression chapter, solve those ten Data Interpretations and learn concepts in probability and seating arrangement so that I can concentrate on integration and algebra, grammar the coming week and get ready for mock tests next month”. Setting smaller, easy goals will always help you achieve the bigger goals.

  • Access the free resources

You can start accessing the free resources. Be careful and assess only the quality material from top rated websites only, as some of the websites give false claims just to rank for revenue from the website. Check the authenticity of the materials by looking at their about us/ contact us page. Online preparation can be a viable option to go for before enrolling in a weekend class program. Online preparation will help the aspirant decide their own time of availability and convenience that will help them continue their preparation whenever they want.

  • Get a mentor

A mentor will always give you a better knowledge of the examination and a real-life account of what happens when you appear for CAT.  A good mentor will go the extra mile and empathize with your success as their own success.

It is best to go for tab-based preparation for CAT exams while you are working. Get access to all the advantages listed above in BYJU’S – The Learning App. BYJU’S have a set of trainers who are CAT toppers and are available for your CAT preparation. CAT requires qualitative and not quantitative based preparation. They start from the basics and then go to tips and shortcuts so that you could answer the questions in seconds.


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